Student Jobs
Looking for ways to cover tuition and living expenses? Our academic and administrative offices offer a variety of jobs for students through the federal work study program and campus-funded positions. Most students work about 10 hours per week, with a maximum of 20. You can lead campus tours, support performing arts, assist coaching staff, tutor elementary students or hold dozens of other positions.
Steps for Student Employment
- Complete a Jewell Student Worker Application. This form is required of all first-year students seeking employment. Upperclassman who have previously completed this form and submitted it to Human Resources will not be required to complete it on an annual basis.
- Prepare a resumé. Not all departments will require a resumé; however, having one will add that extra touch when you inquire about an open position.
- Come to campus prepared. When you are hired you will need to come to campus with the required forms of identification. Federal and State law require original documentation to be viewed by College personnel before being photocopied. Click here for the acceptable forms of documentation.
- Search on-campus job postings below.
Job Postings
2024-2025 Academic Year
- Curry Library: Library Student Assistant
- Mailroom: Student Assistant (work study only)
- Marketing: Digital and Social Media Assistants (work study only)
You've been hired! Now what?
Once the department supervisor has selected you for the position, complete these steps outlined in this student video. Please complete the work agreement and have the department supervisor sign off. Once completed, you will need to submit the work agreement to the HR Office