Specialized and Partner Scholarships

Partner and Matched Scholarships

Exclusions may apply for student-athletes offered a total value scholarship by the Athletic Department.

The A+ Scholarship is a $3,000 per year award for eligible Missouri students participating in the State of Missouri A+ Program who have not yet graduated from high school. To qualify for consideration, students must be admitted to William Jewell College, hold a cumulative unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 or higher on the 6th or 7th semester transcript, and be confirmed by the school A+ program coordinator to be in good standing and eligible for program completion. The A+ Scholarship replaces any equal or lesser value first-year Academic Scholarship award.

American Legion Oratorical Scholarship Match Program (Jewell academic scholarships renewable up to 4 years)

  • 1st Place $5,000 / Jewell match $5,000 
  • 2nd Place $2,500 / Jewell match $2,500 
  • 3rd Place $2,250 / Jewell match $2,250 
  • 4th Place $2,000 / Jewell match $2,000 

American Legion scholarships are one-time scholarships, but students can compete all four years of high school. Any student who does not make final competition will receive Jewell’s $1,000 American Legion Scholarship. This is stackable with academic scholarships and renewable for up to 4 years. To redeem scholarships, students must be enrolled at William Jewell College for fall 2025. Read more: missourilegion.org/oratorical.

CAPS Network
This limited $1,000 scholarship is awarded to regularly admissible applicants who have completed a CAPS Network program in high school at the recommendation of a Jewell Admission Counselor (by Feb. 1 annually).

First-Generation Scholarship
NEW for students entering in 2024-2025. The First-Generation Scholarship is a $1,000 per year award for eligible students. This $1,000 per year award is our way of recognizing you’re the first college student in your family and your choice of Jewell. After you apply to Jewell, the First-Generation Scholarship will be included in your financial aid package.

Future Educators
Jewell will award up to an additional $1,000 to students awarded a School District-based future teacher or grow-your-own scholarship and/or loan-forgiveness program. Jewell offers the same match for National Educators Association (NEA) or Missouri State Teachers Association (MSTA) scholarships.  Other organizational scholarships dedicated to providing support to students planning to major in Elementary or Secondary Education will be considered for the match as well.  Students who maintain a commitment to majoring in teacher education and meet the program GPA requirements will receive the Jewell match scholarship for each year of the four-year program.

Heritage (Alumni Legacy)
Available to children of alumni, siblings of alumni or current students, this $1,000 per year award is our way of saying thank you to our Jewell Family for making The Hill home across generations. After you apply to Jewell and your legacy status has been verified, the scholarship will be included in your financial aid package.

Hispanic Development Fund of Greater Kansas City
The Greater Kansas City Hispanic Development Fund (HDF) is focused on a critical community need: empowering Hispanic students to attend and graduate from college. Through a community-wide effort, HDF built a scholarship program to support college-bound Hispanic students in greater Kansas City. The scholarship effort stresses to all students the importance of giving back to the Latino community and engaging as community leaders. In July 2019, Jewell inked a partnership agreement with the Hispanic Development Fund to match HDF awards provided each year. Students who receive an HDF scholarship are guaranteed a 100% match in funds from William Jewell College up to the full cost of tuition. To be eligible, students must be admitted to William Jewell. The HDF Match is applied after all appropriate academic merit awards and cannot be combined with Jewell athletic or performing arts scholarships.

Military Recognition Scholarship
The Military Recognition Scholarship is a $1,000 per year award for eligible students. This $1,000 per year award is our way of recognizing your family’s service. Available to children, spouses, or dependents of military members. After you apply to Jewell and verify your military affiliation status, the scholarship will be included in your financial aid package.

Missouri Boys State and Girls State
A $500 scholarship is available to regularly admissible applicants who are citizens in Missouri Boys State or Missouri Girls State programs. Exclusions may apply to the Boys State/Girls State Scholarship for student-athletes offered a total value scholarship by the Athletic Department.*

Phi Theta Kappa
As the official honor society for two-year colleges the Phi Theta Kappa honor society recognizes academic success and develops professional and leadership skills for students. Transfer students accepted to Jewell who verify membership in Phi Theta Kappa receive $500 per year.

Project Lead the Way
This limited $1,000 scholarship is awarded to regularly admissible applicants who have completed two PLTW courses and receive a recommendation of a Jewell Admission Counselor (by Feb. 1 annually).

Specialized Scholarships

Dilts Undergraduate Research Award
A one-time award presented to one new student who wishes to major in biology and participate in undergraduate research during the first year. Eligible students must have a 3.75 high school GPA and score in the top 90% on a standardized test (ACT, SAT). 
>  The recipient will be selected based on the Jewell application date and essay.

Leroy and June Seat Family Scholarship
This provides a prospective student with one $2,500 scholarship per academic year. The Leroy and June Seat Family Scholarship will be awarded to an incoming student who self-Identifies as a person of color and an active follower of Jesus Christ. This scholarship was established by Leroy and June Seat, who graduated from William Jewell College in 1959, in appreciation of their education and that received by their four children, Keith and wife, Brenda, '80; Kathy Laffoon, '82; Karen, '92; and Ken, '94. 
>  The recipient will be selected based on the students admitted before April 1. No additional application is required.

Marionetta Snyder Scholarship
The Marionetta Snyder Scholarship is designated for a prospective female student with one $2,500 scholarship per academic year. William D. Snyder, former head football coach at Kansas State University and a 1962 Jewell graduate, established this scholarship in honor of his mother who, at 4-feet 9, was the toughest mentally and physically strong person he’s ever known. Marionetta Owens Snyder was a single mom who worked 12 hours a day, six days a week, and slept on a cot in their one-room apartment, saving everything she could for Bill’s education. This scholarship is in recognition of her unwavering devotion to provide the best of opportunities for those she loved.
> Applications closed Feb. 1.